Publication Date: 6/1/76
    Pages: 7
    Date Entered: 1/5/93
    Title: Perimeter Intrusion Alarm Systems, Revision 1
    Revision 1
    June 1976
    Paragraph 73.50(b)(4) of 10 CFR Part 73, "Physical Protection of
    Plants and Materials," requires at fuel reprocessing plants and certain
    other plants at which high enriched uranium, uranium-233, or plutonium
    is used or processed that the isolation zone surrounding the physical
    barrier at the perimeter of the protected area be monitored to detect
    the presence of individuals or vehicles within the zone so as to allow
    response by armed members of the licensee security organization to be
    initiated at the time of penetration of the protected area.(a) This
    guide describes six types of perimeter intrusion alarm systems and sets
    forth criteria for their performance and use as a means acceptable to
    the NRC staff for meeting specified portions of the Commission's
    Perimeter intrusion alarm systems can be used to detect intrusion
    into or through the isolation zone at the perimeter of the protected
    area. A system generally consists of one or more sensors, electronic
    processing (*)equipment, a power supply, signal lines, and an alarm
    monitor. Detection of an intruder is accomplished by the alarm system
    responding to some change in its operating condition caused by the
    intruder, e.g., interruption of a transmitted infrared or microwave beam
    or stress exerted on a piezoelectric crystal. The choice of a perimeter
    alarm system is influenced by considerations of terrain and climate. At
    present, no single perimeter intrusion alarm system is capable of
    operating effectively in all varieties of environment.
    (a) Paragraph (b)(3) of proposed rule 73.55, "Requirements of
    licensed activities in nuclear power reactors against industrial
    sabotage," will have similar requirements to monitor the isolation zone
    around the physical barrier at the perimeter of the protected area and
    any part of a building used as part of that physical barrier.
    (*) Lines indicate substantive changes from previous issue.
    The mode of installation of the perimeter alarm system influences
    its effectiveness. In general, dividing the site perimeter into
    segments that are independently alarmed and uniquely monitored assists
    the security organization responding to an alarm by localizing the area
    in which the alarm initiated. Segmenting of the perimeter alarm system
    also allows testing and maintenance of a portion of the system while
    maintaining the remainder of the perimeter under monitoring. It is
    generally desirable that the individual segments be limited to a length
    which allows observation of the entire segment by an individual standing
    at one end of the segment.
    Effective use of a perimeter intrusion alarm system is facilitated
    by a regular program of system testing. Testing for operability can be
    performed by a guard or watchman penetrating the zone protected by the
    alarm system during routine patrols. Functional performance testing,
    however, usually is more elaborate. In any case, testing can be
    meaningful without compromising security only if performed under
    controlled circumstances, such as direct visual observation of the area
    being tested while a specified test is conducted.
    To ensure normal operation, the system may periodically monitor
    the sensor transducer and signal processing circuits. This
    self-checking feature can vary depending on the type and design of the
    alarm system. Many systems require self-excitation of the sensor
    transducer (e.g., vibration, strain, pressure) while others monitor the
    signal level at the receiving transducer (e.g., microwave, infrared).
    However, several worthwhile commercially available perimeter alarm
    systems provide little or no self-checking circuitry. To ensure normal
    operation for those alarm systems that do not incorporate self-checking
    circuitry, the licensee may institute a test program that will
    periodically test each zone of a perimeter alarm system to verify that
    it maintains the proper sensitivity to detection.
    The following discussion describes the operations, limitations,
    and environmental considerations of six basic types of commercially
    available perimeter alarm systems: microwave, E-field, ferrous metal
    detector, pressure-sensitive, infrared, and vibration- or stress-fence
    protection systems.
1. Microwave Perimeter Alarm System
    Each link of a microwave perimeter alarm system is composed of a
    transmitter, receiver, power supply, signal processing unit, signal
    transmission system, and annunciator. The microwave transmitter produces
    a beam-like pattern of microwave energy directed to the receiver which
    senses the microwave beam. A partial or total interruption of the beam
    will cause an alarm condition. The microwave beam can be modulated to
    reduce interference from spurious sources of radiofrequency energy, to
    increase sensitivity, and to decrease the vulnerability to defeat from
    "capture" of the receiver by a false microwave source.
    Successive microwave links can be overlapped to form a protective
    perimeter around a facility. Since the transmitter/receiver link is a
    line-of-sight system, hills or other obstructions will interrupt the
    beam, and ditches or valleys may provide crawl space for an intruder.
    Moreover, objects such as tumbleweed, paper, and bushes moving in the
    path of the beam can cause nuisance alarms. Systems using the Doppler
    shift for motion detection are especially sensitive to the motion of
    trees and grass and to falling rain and snow.
    The maximum and minimum separation of the transmitter and receiver
    usually is specified by the manufacturer. Typically, a microwave
    perimeter alarm system will operate effectively in the range between 70
    and 150 meters.
2. E-Field Perimeter Alarm System
    An E-field perimeter alarm system consists basically of a field
    generator which excites a field wire, one or more sensing wires, and a
    sensing filter, an amplifier, and a discriminatory and annunciator unit.
    The field wire transmits essentially an omnidirectional E-field to
    ground. A large body approaching the system changes the pattern of this
    E-field. When sensing wires are placed at different locations within
    the transmitted E-field pattern, they pick up any changes occurring in
    that pattern. If the changes are within the bandpass of human movement,
    an alarm signal is generated. The field wire and one or more parallel
    sensing wires can be either connected to a chain link fence or mounted
    as an above-ground free standing system in the center of an isolation
    The E-field system can offer about 300 meters of perimeter
    protection, but shorter lengths of 100 meters are recommended in order
    to have effective alarm response capabilities. The system can be
    mounted on metal, plastic, or wooden posts using specially designed
    electrical isolators that allow for small movements of the posts without
    disturbing the field and sensing wires. Both the field and sensing wires
    need to be under a high degree of spring tension so as to produce
    high-frequency vibrations when they are struck by small foreign objects
    or blown by the wind, both of which are out of the passband of the
    receiving circuitry. In addition, in order to keep the sensitivity of
    the system from varying, the E-field detector needs to be well grounded.
    The E-field detector is not a line-of-sight system and therefore
    can be installed on uneven terrain and in an irregular line. The
    surrounding terrain should be kept clear of shrubs, tree limbs, and
    undergrowth since they act as moving grounded objects. The basic system
    is a two-wire system with the sensing wire located between 200 and 450
    millimeters above the ground and the field wire located approximately 1
    meter above and parallel to the sensing wire. The width of the
    detection zone is variable and depends to a large degree on the size of
    the target. Generally, it is approximately 0.6 meter wide on either
    side of the field wire. To prevent an intruder from jumping over the
    top of the E-field detector, a second sensing wire can be installed
    approximately 1 meter above the field wire. When installed on a chain
    link fence, standoffs approximately 1/2 meter long are used for mounting
    the wires. The E-field generated in this configuration does not
    penetrate the fence but parallels it.
3. Ferrous Metal Detector Perimeter Alarm System
    A ferrous metal detector system consists of buried electrical
    cables, amplifiers, inhibitors, power supply, signal processing unit,
    signal transmission lines, and annunciator. The system is passive and
    is susceptible to changes in the earth's ambient magnetic field. Such
    changes are caused either by electromagnetic disturbances such as
    lightning or by ferrous metal being carried over the buried cables. The
    change in the local ambient magnetic field induces a current in the
    buried cable which is filtered and sensed by the electronics. If the
    change exceeds a predetermined threshold, an alarm is generated. To
    reduce nuisance alarms from external electromagnetic sources (e.g.,
    electrical power transmission lines), the electrical cable is laid in
    loops which are transposed at regular intervals. Also, an inhibitor
    loop can be used to reduce nuisance alarms from electromagnetic
    interference. The inhibitor, which operates on the same principle as
    the sensor cable loops and is buried near the cable sensor, senses
    strong temporary electromagnetic interference (e.g., lightning) and
    disables the alarm system for approximately one second, thus reducing
    nuisance alarms.
    The ferrous metal detector system is not a line-of-sight system
    and therefore can be installed on uneven ground in an irregular line.
    The sensor subloops formed by the cables must be fairly regular,
    however. Since the system will only detect ferrous metal, animals,
    birds, or flying leaves will not initiate alarms. However,
    electro-magnetic interferences can cause nuisance alarms or disable the
    alarm system when the interference is severe.
    Each sensing cable (and amplifier) can monitor a security zone up
    to 500 meters in length. Increasing the length of the security zone
    beyond 500 meters usually results in a high nuisance alarm rate.
    Multiple cables and amplifiers can be used to extend the monitoring
4. Pressure/Strain-Sensitive Perimeter Alarm System
    Buried pressure/strain transducers detect small variations in the
    mechanical stress exerted upon the surrounding soil by the presence of
    an individual passing above the sensor. The signals produced by the
    transducers are amplified and compared with a pre-established threshold.
    If the signal exceeds the threshold, an alarm occurs. The transducer
    may be a set of piezoelectric crystals, a fluid-filled flexible tube, a
    specially fabricated stress/strain electrical cable, or an insulated
    wire in a metallic tube.
    Like the ferrous metal detector system, the pressure-sensitive
    system does not require line-of-sight installation and can be sited on
    uneven terrain. However, installation in rocky soil may result in
    damage to the pressure transducers either during installation or as a
    result of soil settlement after installation. High winds can produce
    pressure waves on the ground surface which, if sensed by the transducer,
    could necessitate operation at reduced sensitivity in order to avoid
    nuisance alarms; however, features to compensate for wind-generated
    noise can be designed into the equipment but in turn may cause a
    decrease in system sensitivity. Pressure systems will lose sensitivity
    when the buried sensors are covered by snow, by snow with a frozen crust
    which will support the weight of a man, or by frozen ground. Other
    natural phenomena such as hail and rain can cause nuisance alarms.
    The sensitive area consists of a narrow corridor, usually about
    one meter in width. A greater degree of security can be achieved by
    employing two such corridors to prevent an intruder from jumping over
    the buried transducers. A typical length monitored by a transducer
    (i.e., set of piezoelectric crystals, a liquid-filled tube, or an
    electrical cable) is about 100 meters.
5. Infrared Perimeter Alarm System
    Like the microwave system, each link of an infrared system is
    composed of a transmitter, receiver, power supply, signal processor,
    signal lines, and alarm annunciator. The transmitter directs a narrow
    infrared beam to a receiver. If the infrared beam between the
    transmitter and receiver is interrupted, an alarm signal is generated.
    As with the microwave system, the infrared system is line-of-sight. In
    addition, the infrared beam is usually modulated. Since the infrared
    beam does not diverge significantly as does the microwave beam, multiple
    infrared beams between transmitter and receiver can be used to define a
    "wall." If this "wall" is then penetrated by an individual, an alarm
    will result.
    Fog both attenuates and disperses the infrared beam and can cause
    nuisance alarms. However, the system can be designed to operate
    properly with severe atmospheric attenuation. Dust on the faceplates
    also will attenuate the infrared beam as will an accumulation of
    condensation, frost, or ice on the faceplates.
    Like the microwave system, vegetation such as bushes, trees, or
    grass and accumulated snow will interfere with the infrared beam, and
    ditches, gullies, or hills will allow areas where the passage of an
    intruder may go undetected.
    The typical distance between transmitter and receiver is about 100
    meters; some systems are capable of monitoring a distance up to 300
    meters under ideal conditions.
6. Vibration or Strain Detector Perimeter Alarm System
    A variety of devices that detect strain or vibration are available
    for use as fence protection systems. Although the devices vary greatly
    in design, each basically detects strain or vibration of the fence such
    as that produced by an intruder climbing or cutting the fence. In the
    simplest devices, the vibration or strain makes or breaks electrical
    continuity and thereby generates an alarm. Vibration- or
    strain-detection devices for fence protection generally are susceptible
    to nuisance alarms caused by wind vibrating the fence or by hail stones
    or large pieces of trash blowing against the fence. The frequency of
    nuisance alarms due to the wind can be reduced by rigidly mounting the
    fence and thereby lessening the propensity of the fence to vibrate in
    the wind. This situation is especially common with post-mounted
    switch-contact type alarm systems. The use of electronic signal
    processing equipment in conjunction with signal-generating strain
    transducers can effectively reduce nuisance alarm rates without
    sacrificing sensitivity to climbing or cutting of the fence. However,
    most fence alarm systems can be easily bypassed by a variety of methods.
    Depending upon the variety of sensor, each sensor can monitor a
    length of fence ranging from about one meter to several hundred meters.
1. Minimum Qualification for Perimeter Intrusion Alarm Systems
    a. General
    (1) Electrical. All components--sensors, electronic
    processing equipment, power supplies, alarm monitors-- should meet the
    requirements of Underwriters Laboratory (UL) for fire safety. The
    system should contain provisions for automatic switchover to emergency
    battery and generator or emergency battery power without causing an
    alarm in the event primary power is interrupted. Emergency power should
    be capable of sustaining operation for a minimum of 24 hours without
    replacing or recharging batteries or refueling generators. If sufficient
    battery or fuel capacity is not attainable for 24-hour operation as
    stated above, additional batteries or fuel should be stored on site
    expressly for augmenting the emergency power supply. If emergency power
    is furnished by battery, all batteries (including stored batteries)
    should be maintained at full charge by automatic battery-charging
    circuitry. Batteries should be checked daily in accordance with
    manufacturers' instructions to ensure that available capacity is not
    less than 80% of rated capacity.
    (2) Tamper Indication. All enclosures for equipment
    should be equipped with tamper switches or triggering mechanisms
    compatible with the alarm systems. The electronics should be designed so
    that tamper-indicating devices remain in operation even though the
    system itself may be placed in the ACCESS mode.(a) All controls that affect the sensitivity of the alarm
    system should be located within a tamper-resistant enclosure. All
    signal lines connecting alarm relays with alarm monitors should be
    supervised; if the processing electronics is separated from the sensor
    elements and not located within the detection area of the sensor
    elements, the signal lines linking the sensors to the processing
    electronics should also be supervised.(b) All key locks or key-operated switches used to protect
    equipment and controls should have UL listed locking cylinders (see
    Regulatory Guide 5.12, "General Use of Locks in the Protection of
    Facilities and Special Nuclear Material").
    (a) ACCESS mode means the condition that maintains security over
    the signal lines between the detector and annunciator and over the
    tamper switch in the detector but allows access into the protected area
    without generating an alarm.
    (b) Signal line supervision will be discussed in a regulatory
    guide currently under development on interior intrusion alarm systems.
    Reference should be made to the Interim Federal Specification W-A-00450B
    (GSA-FSS) February 16, 1973, paragraph 3.5.
    (3) Environment. Perimeter intrusion alarm systems should
    be capable of operating throughout the climatic extreme of the environs
    in which they are used; as a minimum, the systems should be capable of
    effective operation between -35 degrees and +50 degrees C. Components
    which necessarily must be located out of doors should be protected from
    moisture damage by such methods as hermetic sealing or potting in an
    epoxy compound.
    (4) Alarm Conditions. Perimeter intrusion alarm systems
    should generate an alarm under any of the following conditions:
    (a) Detection of stimulus or a condition for which
    the system was designed to react,
    (b) Failure of emergency power to properly operate
    the system in the event of loss of primary power,
    (c) Indication of tampering (e.g., opening,
    shorting, or grounding of the sensor circuitry) which renders the device
    incapable of normal operation,
    (d) Indication of tampering by activation of a
    tamper switch or other triggering mechanism,
    (e) Failure or aging of any component(s) to the
    extent that the device is rendered incapable of normal operation.
    Self-checking circuitry is normally used for detecting components that
    have aged or failed in a device.
    Under normal environmental conditions, perimeter alarm
    systems should not average more than one false alarm per week per zone
    and should not average more than one nuisance alarm per week per zone
    while maintaining proper detection sensitivity. Where the zone is under
    continuous visual observation, the false alarm rate and nuisance alarm
    rate may be increased to one alarm per day per zone. False alarms are
    defined as those alarms which have been generated without any apparent
    cause. Nuisance alarms are defined as those alarms generated by the
    alarm system detecting a change in the operating environment. Proper
    detection sensitivity is defined as the ability to detect an intruder in
    the secured zone ninety-five out of one hundred times under the
    conditions stated in the Performance Criteria of each type of alarm
    An automatic and distinctly recognizable indication
    should be generated by the alarm monitor upon switchover to emergency
    power, if primary power is supplied from the central alarm station.
    Loss or reduction of power (either primary or
    emergency) to the degree that the system is no longer operating properly
    should result in an alarm condition or be otherwise indicated in the
    central alarm station.
    Placement of any portion of a perimeter intrusion
    alarm system into the access mode should be indicated automatically and
    distinctly by the alarm monitor. Moreover, the segment(s) of the system
    placed in the access mode should be indicated clearly.
    (5) Installation. Perimeter intrusion alarm systems
    generally may be located on either side of the perimeter physical
    barrier. If, however, installation is outside the perimeter barrier, a
    second barrier or a fence (e.g., a cattle or snow fence) should be
    erected so that the alarm system is located between the barriers. The
    second barrier or fence will serve to reduce the incidence of nuisance
    alarms from animals and passersby. The second barrier should be
    separated a minimum of 10 meters from the inner fence to prevent
    bridging of the perimeter alarm system. Fence protection systems should
    be located on an inner fence.
    Where possible, the perimeter should be segmented so
    that an individual standing at one end of a segment will have a clear
    view of the entire segment. In no case should any segment exceed 200
    meters in length. Each segment should independently and uniquely
    indicate intrusion and should be capable of placement into the access
    mode independently of the other segments.
    b. Microwave Perimeter Alarm System
    (1) Performance Criteria. A microwave perimeter alarm
    system should be capable of detecting an intruder passing between the
    transmitter and receiver at a rate between 0.15 and 5 meters per second,
    whether walking, running, jumping, crawling, or rolling. The beam
    should be modulated, and the receiver should be frequency selective to
    decrease susceptibility to receiver "capture." Generally, because of
    susceptibility to motion beyond the area to be protected, Doppler
    microwave systems should not be used as perimeter intrusion alarms.
    (2) Installation Criteria. The transmitters and receivers
    should be installed on even terrain clear of trees, tall grass, and
    bushes. Each unit should be mounted rigidly at a distance of about 1
    meter above the ground. Due to variances in the antenna pattern of
    different microwave systems, this height may have to be varied slightly
    in order to obtain proper ground coverage. The distance between a
    transmitter and its receiver should be at least 50 meters. Neither the
    transmitter nor the receiver should be mounted on a fence. To prevent
    passage under the microwave beam in the shadow of an obstruction, hills
    should be leveled, ditches filled, and obstructions removed so that the
    area between transmitter and receiver is clear of obstructions and free
    of rises or depressions of height or depth greater than 15 cm. The
    clear area should be sufficiently wide to preclude generation of alarms
    by objects moving near the microwave link (e.g., personnel walking or
    vehicular traffic). Approximate widths of the microwave pattern should
    be provided by the manufacturer. If the microwave link is installed
    inside and roughly parallel to a perimeter fence or wall, the
    transmitter and receiver should be positioned so as to prevent someone
    from jumping over the microwave beam into the protected area from atop
    the fence or wall. Typically, a chain link security fence with an
    overall height of 2.4 meters will necessitate a minimum of 2 meters
    between fence and the center of the microwave beam.
    Successive microwave links and corners should overlap
    at least 3 meters to eliminate the dead spot (areas where movement is
    not detected) below and immediately in front of transmitter and
    receivers. The overlap of successive links should be arranged so that
    receiver units are within the area protected by the microwave beam.
    c. E-Field Perimeter Alarm System
    (1) Performance Criteria. An E-field perimeter alarm
    system should be able to detect an individual weighing a minimum of 35
    kilograms crawling and rolling under the lower sensing wire, stepping
    and jumping between the field and sensing wires, and jumping over the
    top sensing wire of the system. The field and sensing wires should be
    supervised to prevent the cutting or bypassing of the system through
    electronic or clandestine means. The system design should employ
    techniques to eliminate alarms caused by high winds and small animals.
    (2) Installation Criteria. The E-field sensor should
    consist of a minimum of one field wire and two sensing wires. One
    sensing wire should be located no more than 0.45 meter above ground
    level with the second located approximately 2.6 meters above ground
    level. The field should be located between the sensing wires
    approximately 1 meter above ground level. The surrounding terrain
    should be free of all shrubs, trees, and undergrowth. The control unit
    should be well grounded using a 1-meter or longer grounding rod or
    equivalent electrical ground. When mounted to a chain link fence, the
    fence should also be well grounded approximately every 23 meters, using
    a 1-meter or longer grounding rod or equivalent electrical ground.
    d. Ferrous Metal Detector Perimeter Alarm System
    (1) Performance Criteria. A ferrous metal detector
    perimeter alarm system should be able to detect a 400-pole-centimeter
    (CGS units) magnet moving at a rate of 0.15 meter per second within a
    radius of 0.3 meter of a sensor cable. The detection system should be
    equipped with inhibitor coils to minimize nuisance alarms due to
    electromagnetic interference. No more than six sensing loops per
    inhibitor coil should be used in order to prevent simultaneous
    desensitizing of the entire system.
    (2) Installation Criteria. To determine if the ferrous
    metal detection system will operate in the proposed environment, a
    preengineering site survey should be made using an electromagnetic
    detection survey meter. This survey meter can be furnished by the
    manufacturer. If the electromagnetic disturbances are within the limits
    prescribed by the manufacturer, this type of system can be used
    effectively. Special looping configurations can be made in areas of
    high electro-magnetic interference to reduce the incidence of nuisance
    The sensing loops of electrical cable should be buried
    in the ground according to the manufacturer's stated depth. Multiple
    units (cable and amplifier) should be used to protect a perimeter. all
    associated buried circuitry should be buried within the protected zone
    and packaged in hermetically sealed containers. The cable should be
    laid in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended geometrical
    configurations to reduce nuisance alarms from external sources. When
    cable is being installed in rocky soil, care should be taken to remove
    sharp rocks during backfilling over the cable.
    Inhibitors should be buried in the ground at least 6
    meters from the cable inside the protected perimeter.
    Continuous electromagnetic interference obstructs the
    detection of an intruder carrying metal over the buried cable by keeping
    the inhibitor activated, thereby preventing the alarm unit from
    responding to a change in flux caused by the intruder. The device
    should therefore be used only where the environment is relatively free
    of severe man-made electromagnetic interference (e.g., overhead power
    cables, pole-mounted transformers, generators, etc.). The cable should
    never be installed close to overhead power transmission lines. Moreover,
    the cable should be placed at least 3 meters from parallel running metal
    fences and at least 20 meters from public roads to minimize nuisance
    e. Pressure-Sensitive Perimeter Alarm System
    (1) Performance Criteria. A pressure-sensitive perimeter
    alarm system should be capable of detecting an individual weighing more
    than 35 kilograms crossing the sensitive area of the system at a minimum
    speed of 0.15 meters per second, whether walking, crawling, or rolling.
    The system design should employ techniques (e.g., electronic signal
    processing) to eliminate nuisance alarms from wind.
    (2) Installation Criteria. The sensors should be
    installed at the depth below the ground surface stated by the
    manufacturer. To obtain a high probability of detection, the sensors
    should be in two separate parallel lines at a distance of 1.5 to 2
    meters apart. The sensors and electronic circuitry buried in the ground
    should be of a durable, moistureproof, rodent-resistant material. When a
    pressure-sensitive perimeter alarm system is being installed in rocky
    soil, all rocks should be removed during backfilling to prevent damage
    to sensors. If the frost line exceeds 10 cm, a buried
    pressure-sensitive system should not be used unless the soil is
    specifically prepared to eliminate freezing above the sensor.
    f. Infrared Perimeter Alarm Systems
    (1) Performance Criteria. An infrared perimeter alarm
    system should be a multibeam modulated type consisting of a minimum of
    three transmitters and three receivers per unit. An infrared perimeter
    alarm system should be capable of detecting an individual passing
    between the transmitters and receivers at a rate between 0.15 and 5
    meters per second, whether walking, running, jumping, crawling, or
    rolling. Furthermore, the systems should be able to operate as above
    with a factor of 20 (13db) insertion loss due to atmospheric attenuation
    (e.g., fog) at maximum range (100 meters).
    (2) Installation Criteria. An infrared perimeter alarm
    system should be installed so that, at any point, the lowest beam is no
    higher than 21 cm above grade.
    The transmitters and receivers should be mounted
    rigidly (e.g., installed on a rigid post or concrete pad) to prevent
    nuisance alarms from vibrations. Each transmitter and receiver post
    should be provided with a pressure-sensitive cap to prevent scaling of
    or vaulting over the infrared beam post. The maximum distance between
    transmitter and receiver should be selected to permit proper operation
    during conditions of severe atmospheric attenuation that are typical for
    the site, generally a maximum of 100 meters.
    It is recommended that the infrared perimeter alarm
    system be installed outside and parallel to an outer fence or wall with
    the transmitter and receiver units positioned greater than 3 meters from
    the barrier. If it is desired to reduce nuisance alarms caused by stray
    animals, blowing trash, or the general public, then the infrared
    perimeter alarm system may be placed inside the outer fence. However,
    the transmitter and receiver units should be positioned between 2.0 and
    2.5 meters from the fence to prevent an individual from jumping over the
    infrared beams from atop the fence or sprinting through the beams.
    Installation of the infrared alarm system inside the perimeter and
    adjacent to an outer wall should be avoided since the wall provides a
    solid base from which an intruder can jump over the beams into the
    protected area.
    g. Vibration or Strain Detection
    (1) Performance Criteria. Vibration- or strain-detection
    systems used for fence protection should detect an intruder weighing
    more than 35 kilograms attempting to climb the fence. The system should
    also detect any attempt to cut the fence or lift the fence more than 15
    cm above grade. The system should not generate alarms due to wind
    vibration of the fence from a wind force of up to 48 kilometers/hour.
    The fence alarm system should only be used as a
    secondary or backup perimeter alarm system except when one of the other
    five types of perimeter alarm systems will not work (e.g., because of
    the environment) and after the Commission's approval has been received.
    (2) Installation Criteria. The vibration or strain
    sensors should be attached firmly to the fence (post or fabric, as
    appropriate) such that the vibration/stress caused by an intruder
    climbing, cutting, or lifting the fence will generate an alarm.
2. Testing of Perimeter Intrusion Alarm Systems
    a. Performance Testing
    Perimeter intrusion alarm systems should be tested at least
    once each 7 days. Testing may be accomplished during routine patrols by
    the members of the licensee security force. The alarm systems should be
    tested in segments at random with only one or two segments tested per
    patrol. However, every segment should be tested at least once every 7
    days. The testing should be conducted by crossing the isolation zone
    where the alarm system is located or by climbing the fence to which the
    system is attached. Where appropriate, a specific test procedure should
    be followed. Prior to making the test, the individual making the test
    should notify the central alarm station that a test is about to be
    conducted. The area under test should be maintained under visual
    observation by a member of the security organization.
    b. Specification Testing
    At least quarterly, the perimeter intrusion alarm system
    should be tested against its manufacturer's design specifications. The
    test procedure recommended by the manufacturer should be followed.
    While the test is being conducted, the area under test should be
    maintained under direct visual observation by a member of the security
    organization. For all perimeter systems, tests should be conducted to
    verify that no obvious dead spots exist in the zone of protection.
    The purpose of this section is to provide information to
    applicants and licensees regarding the NRC staff's plans for using this
    regulatory guide.
    Except in those cases in which the applicant or licensee proposes
    an acceptable alternative method, the staff will use the methods
    described herein in evaluating an applicant's or licensee's capability
    for and performance in complying with specified portions of the
    Commission's regulations after December 1, 1976.
    If an applicant or licensee wishes to use the method described in
    this regulatory guide on or before December 1, 1976, the pertinent
    portions of the application or the licensee's performance will be
    evaluated on the basis of this guide.